Functions of the CSA
Since its establishment in 1960 it has been and is involved in socio-economic and demographic data collection, processing, evaluation and dissemination that is used for the country’s socio-economic development and planning, monitoring and policy formulation.
Considering the limited resources available in a developing country like Ethiopia, the NIHESP enabled CSA to run a number of annual national socio-economic and demographic surveys using the office’s available infrastructure, field staff (enumerators, supervisors, drivers…etc), logistic support (field equipment and vehicles), data processing facilities, …etc. This definitely helps in the effective and efficient use of the available limited and financial resources.
Under the umbrella of the National Integrated Household and Enterprise Survey Program, the Agency plans and executes a number of national socio-economic and demographic surveys on annual basis. The surveys included in the program are:
Household Income, Consumption and Expenditure;
Welfare/Poverty Monitoring;
National Family and Fertility;
Demographic and health;
Sample Vital Registration System;
Health and Nutrition;
Large and Medium Scale manufacturing and Electricity Industries;
Small Scale Manufacturing Industries;
Cottage/Handicrafts Industries;
Mining and Quarrying Industries;
Construction Industries; etc